The World's First Generative logo
Rhizome’s 2023 logo, designed by Mindy Seu and Laura Coombs. Courtesy of Rhizome.

Rhizome’s 2023 logo, designed by Mindy Seu and Laura Coombs. Courtesy of Rhizome.

Easter egg version of Rhizome’s 2023 logo.

In 2023, Rhizome introduced a new logo designed by Mindy Seu and Laura Coombs. The new logo is dynamic, adjusting to the time of day and the distance of recent website visitors to Rhizome’s New York City office. There is even an easter egg version of the logo on Rhizome’s website, where the full version of the clock may be seen.

This logo drew inspiration directly from an identity that Rhizome has long been associated with—a starburst formation with colored rays emanating from a vertex. This logo was introduced in 2001, and it took a dynamic form even at that time. An article on Rhizome’s “Net Art News” series asked whether it was “The World’s First Generative Logo”?

Ever noticed that the Rhizome Logo never looks the same twice? The logo that appears in the top left section of our website is an example of generative art. It is generated "on the fly" each time it is viewed, depending upon the IP addresses of the last four people to visit the website. The logo was designed by Markus Weisbeck and Frank Hauschild of Check it out, we think it's pretty cool.